Start of CNVR Campaign in Malishevo

DVM Murat Hoxha, Director of Agriculture Department of the town Malishevo and our veterinarian DVM Blendi Bejdoni signed a contract of cooperation in April 2017.

In the year 2016 DVM Hoxha asked us already, if we could help and do a CNVR work in Malishevo, but our foundation had not enough funds and manpower to help everywhere at the same time. This march we inspected the town and the situation of the dogs was miserable. So we decided to start there as well - as Malishevo is in the neighbourhood of Rahovec. We are financing with our donators the CNVR and the town informs citizens - which did very well up to now - and gives us access to their primary schools. 


We continue this work until May 2018, then the state program starts and the municipality of Malishevo is now being controlled by the veterinary group of Prof. Avni Robaj and his veterinarian Preparim Kastrati, who did some training with our veterinary team beforehand.


But we are still open to treat owned dogs on our expenses.